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The faculty was created in 2017 as one of the 5 faculties in the College of Medical Sciences ABU Zaria. The faculty has 5 departments: Chemical Pathology, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Haematology & Blood Transfusion, Medical Microbiology and Pathology (Morbid Anatomy). We service mainly the MBBS and BDS undergraduate degree Programmes and some undergraduate courses for Pharmacy, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science and others. We also offer MSc and PhD programmes in Chemical pathology, Haematology & Blood Transfusion and Pathology.
Mission, Vision and Values
To be a world class faculty of basic clinical science comparable to any other faculty among the best faculties in the world and be engaged in imparting contemporary, relevant, and cutting edge knowledge in the field of Laboratory medicine and therapeutics.
To advance the frontiers of Basic Clinical Science knowledge and break new grounds in providing solution in clinical and laboratory diagnostics and therapy for tropical diseases.
To produce undergraduate and postgraduate students capable of self and lifelong learning and the ability to be creative in the field of research and implementation science.
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